Why Is Emergency Food Supply Important?

In the event of a natural disaster or emergency, it's important to be prepared. That means having an emergency kit packed with essential supplies, including food. But not all foods are created equal when it comes to emergencies. Some foods are better than others for keeping you healthy and energised in a crisis situation. In this article, we will discuss the best and worst foods to pack in your emergency kit!

What Is The Best Emergency Food?

The best emergency foods are those that are high in calories and easy to eat. They should also be non-perishable and have a long shelf life. Some of the best emergency foods include:

  • Canned fruits and vegetables: These can provide you with essential nutrients and vitamins. Plus, if they have a ring-pull they're easy to open and eat without cooking.
  • Peanut butter, almond butter or any other nut butter: Nut butters are a great source of protein and fat. They're also easy to spread on bread or crackers for a quick snack.
  • Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds are another good source of protein and fat. They're also relatively lightweight, so they won't weigh down your emergency kit.
  • Granola bars: Granola bars are a convenient and portable snack. They're also usually high in calories, which can help you maintain your energy levels in an emergency situation.
  • High-calorie emergency bars: as they are calorie dense, light and compact for when you are on the go. They also have a 5 year shelf-life so you can keep them in your emergency kit for a long time. 

Considerations When Packing Your Emergency Food


There are a few things to keep in mind when stocking your emergency food supply. First, you'll want to make sure that you have enough non-perishable food to last for at least three days. Based on what we're seeing around the world, in some cases it may take this length of time for relief efforts to reach you in the event of an emergency.

Quick and Easy

During an emergency, it's unlikely that you'll have time or electricity or hot water to cook up gourmet meals, so it's important to have food on hand that is quick and easy to consume, calorie dense and doesn't leave you with dishes to clean.

Next, you'll want to think about the types of food that you include in your emergency stash. You'll want to make sure that you have a variety of foods that will provide you with the energy that you need. 

Best Emergency Food Supplies

  • Canned fruits and vegetables
  • High-calorie bars
  • Dried fruit and nuts
  • Other dried foods
  • Canned soup or baked beans
  • Peanut butter
  • Granola or cereal bars
  • Trail mix
  • Jerky or dried meat
  • Other high protein foods

It's worth including a manual can opener in your emergency food supply, as well as any other utensils or tools that you might need to prepare and eat your food.

What Are The Worst Foods To Pack In Your Emergency Kit?

On the other hand, there are some foods that you should avoid packing in your emergency kit. These include:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables: Fresh fruits and vegetables can spoil quickly, especially in warm weather. They're also difficult to eat without cooking.
  • Meat: Meat can spoil quickly and is difficult to eat without cooking. Plus, it can be heavy, so it may weigh down your emergency kit.
  • Dairy products: Dairy products can spoil quickly and are difficult to eat without refrigeration.

What is the longest lasting emergency food?

If you have an emergency bag with 72 hours of supplies, it's unlikely you'll be able to fit many of the foods listed above, which is why we suggest survival food such as high-calorie bars.

Remember to rotate your emergency food supply every six-twelve months to ensure that the food is still fresh and edible. 

Emergency Power Supply

Another thing worth considering is having an emergency backup power such as a power bank or generator so that you can have access to some power to add light and warmth in times of emergency, and maybe even make a coffee!

Emergency Water Supply

Don't forget to pack an emergency water supply to go along with your emergency food supply. For greatest comfort, we recommend that you pack at least 2 litres per person, per day.

If you are stranded in an area without access to clean water, which can be quite common during natural disasters, you will need to find a way to purify any water that you come across to avoid getting sick. It is a good idea to have a water filter and/or water purification tablets on hand or in your emergency bag so that you can purify any water that you may come across in an emergency.

Why Might Water Not Be Safe?

During times of floods and storms, water is often contaminated with unsafe bacterias, which can cause illness including diarrhoea and even diseases that can cause serious medical harm. When faced with an emergency, it's vital that you look after your health and ensure that you are drinking only purified water.

So, there you have it! The best and worst foods to pack in your emergency kit. Be sure to include plenty of non-perishable, high-calorie foods in your kit so that you can stay healthy and energised in the event of an emergency!

By following these simple tips, you can be sure that you and your loved ones will be prepared in the event of an emergency.